Do you have any questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below. If you still need help please contact us.


How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs depend on the amount of weight of your items. It's usually between $4 - $8.

What shipping carriers do you use?


Where do you deliver?

We deliver within the United States.

Tracking & Delivery

When will my order be shipped?

You order will be shipped within 2-3 business days with a tracking number!

Can I change my delivery address?

Possibly! It takes us 2-3 days to ship our products, so if you catch us before we ship it we can make that adjustment.

If the product has already shipped and you entered the wrong address we are not able to refund the order.

How can I track my order?

Every one of our products ships with a tracking number from USPS that you'll be able to reference online.

Creative Collaborations

Do you partner with influencers?

Yes! We are always interested in collaborating with customers and influencers in the coloring world! Please email us at for more information!

Do you hire illustrators?

We do not hire illustrators for Moosh Books publications, BUT if you're an illustrator wanting to create a coloring book, let's have a conversation!! Send an email to!